When that fat old sun in the sky is falling
Summer evenin' birds are calling
Summer's Sunday and a year
The sound of music in my ears
Distant bells
New mown grass smells so sweet
By the river holding hands
Roll me up and lay me down
And if you see
Don't make a sound
Pick your feet up off the ground
And if you hear as the warm night falls
The silver sound from a time so strange
Sing to me
Sing to me
When that fat old sun in the sky is falling
Summer evenin' birds are calling
Children's laughter in my ears
The last sunlight disappears
And if you see
Don't make a sound
Pick your feet up off the ground
And if you hear as the warm night falls
The silver sound from a time so strange
Sing to me
Sing to me
When that fat old sun in the sky is...(fades out)
Summer evenin' birds are calling
Summer's Sunday and a year
The sound of music in my ears
Distant bells
New mown grass smells so sweet
By the river holding hands
Roll me up and lay me down
And if you see
Don't make a sound
Pick your feet up off the ground
And if you hear as the warm night falls
The silver sound from a time so strange
Sing to me
Sing to me
When that fat old sun in the sky is falling
Summer evenin' birds are calling
Children's laughter in my ears
The last sunlight disappears
And if you see
Don't make a sound
Pick your feet up off the ground
And if you hear as the warm night falls
The silver sound from a time so strange
Sing to me
Sing to me
When that fat old sun in the sky is...(fades out)
disfruta el momento fisico, ahora comienza el trabajo duro
Também acho que o Fisico gosta de rock progressivo, mas ao invés de ouvir Pink Floyd acho que ele ouviria PFM - Premiata Forneria Marconi...
ResponderBorrarVai saber jejeje
Vamos ver do que Fisichella será capaz a bordo de uma Ferrari. Ele tem até o fim da temporada para mostrar o seu valor.
Leandro Montianele
Grande Xará,
ResponderBorrarFisico tem nas mãos a chance de ouro,veremos como aproveitará.
Acho que ele curte uma bossa nova!!!
ResponderBorrardá pra dizer que tá na cara dele a satisfação...
uma das fotos do ano em minha opinião...
O Fisico parece uma criança quando ganha um doce. Olha a expressão de felicidade no rosto dele...